This past weekend was Pine Views Homecoming and since I'm lame and cant get a date my mom tried setting me up with a guy...which didn't work out so at a moments notice my kind brother Weston texted me and said "Of all the fishes in the sea I pick you to go to homecoming with me!" I said sure! He then said don't mess with me I'm being serious....I then said I'm not so I finally had my date to homecoming. Since he asked me on Wednesday and I was going out of town that day I couldn't do anything about a dress until Friday after school. Once again my mom tried to help by asking teachers at her school if any of their daughters had prom dresses in my size that I could barrow. One of the teachers did so went there and I tried on 4 dresses and took one. I liked the dress but not the jacket. My mom tried to make me feel good about it but could tell it wasn't working. So she racked her brain and kept throwing out names of people to call. I tried Aunt Debbie twice but got no answer. Then my mom threw out a name I new would work. Chelsey Eaton who use to be in my ward but is now married, she was kind enough to let me try on her dresses and I found the perfect one. When I put it on I exclaimed, "It makes me feel pretty!" My mom ordered the coursage and bout. to match without knowing what color my dress would be. She asked them to use neutral colors, live greens, make it unique, and have fun doing it. They turned out perfect! We didn't do a day date so I spent my day in the bath room curling my hair it took 4 hours. Weston picked me up at 6:00p.m. Then we went to the church to see my mom ( was at the relief society broad cast) Then to my brother Justin's to take pictures. From there we headed to chilies for dinner. It was delicious. I told my brother that we couldn't be to early at the dance or else we would like geeks...he just laughed at me. So then we came home so I could go to the bathroom and kill some time.... Then my mom showed up and decided to have a photo op. Weston doesn't like his picture taken but was a good sport about it. After pictures at our house we went to the dance and got them done (hopefully it turns out good!) then we were still really early so we went for a little drive and practiced our dance moves in the car...what a sight! Then we stopped at hearts to get a drink because we were both parched! Then went back to the dance and stayed there until ten. We danced a couple slow songs and one fast one and then we were wall flowers and just watched all the crazy kids...and made of them...shh..Then we went to Spoon me or as Weston says "Scoop me" It was different but really good. Then he took me home and that was that. It was the perfect date, I could be myself and I didn't have to worry about the good night hug and kiss. I had a blast. I would like to thank my brother for being the best date ever! It was perfect for my first formal dance. I cant explain how much fun it was. Just the two of us being goof balls. I told him I was going to mimick ever dance move he did... so he wouldn't feel like a dork by himself :D I love my brother so much and I'm honored that he took me. It was just what I pictured it to be...even if it was at the last minute!

This is my cute niece Nyah Grace Snyder...
She is the cutest thing I have ever seen!
I love her so much! :D
My Grandpa Clark passed away one year ago and he was my role model. Some things that I remember the most about my grandpa is.... 1. His Greetings when I came in the door it was always hey there is my rug-rats or is that maca rilee 2. His pinches 3. Him holding my thumb so tight that i thought it was going to fall off and me always trying to get out of his grip 4. His never ending gas...and he would always try and blame it on you by saying "wud you say?" 4. He was always singing or whistling... 5. Teasing me about the fat boys...long story :D 6. Picking his back for money...if you got lucky sometimes he would give 20.00 7. Sticking out his teeth at me 8. calling all of his grandkids by their nicknames 9. his home made fudge 10. His love for the outdoors 11. Him always playing cards or working on a puzzle 12.Sitting in his lap while he just loves on me 13. Going to the farm and getting our medicine on the way (which is a soda) for him it was a diet pepsi with a squirt of cherry pepsi in it 14. His big blue eyes and his one "broke eye" and you could never tell where it was looking. 15.His love for everyone 16.His peppermint paddies These are just a few things that I remember of my grandpa clark. I love him so much and I cant wait until I get to see him again.