Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Vagina Monologues

So your probably thinking why in the world did I title this post "Vagina Monologues" well let me explain...
There was a poster in my math class that in bold pink lettering said The Vagina Monologues. So a few of us that got into class early looked at it, and learned that it is a show to raise money and awareness for rape victims. Well one girl walked into class and sat down, and was carrying on a conversation then looked up and in mid sentence just said, Vagina Monologues... what the? (It was so funny) Then we had a little discussion that kind of turned dirty, but it funny at the same time. Then my math professor walked in, and saw the poster and giggled a little then took it down. Then a guy named James (who is outspoken, loud, and sometimes obnoxious) said it's $7.00 with your student I.d. $10.00 without. Are you going to go? My professor then said, "I already have one, I don't need to go." Immediately she went bright red, turned to the white board and wouldn't look at us, because she was so embarrassed. The whole class lost it, and started laughing. Serna (my math professor) is a big tom boy, and she said I usually don't get embarrassed, but I'm so embarrassed right now. This definitely made the college top ten most memorable moments.
Then in humanities I had to act!! I hated it! I didn't have a partner so I had to act a scene with my professor, and in front of the whole class... and then she volunteered us to go first. I was scared to death, but I did it, and afterwards I was proud of myself. I'm so glad that I have the opportunity to go to college, I'm learning lots, but also for the great laughs I'm getting from it.

Nothing Exciting

Life has been pretty good lately. Nothing too exciting has happened. I've just been working a lot, and doing homework. I got an A- on my first english paper, and he told me I was good writer. It made my day because I really struggle with english, and I don't feel that I'm very good at it. My english professor gave me a boost of confidence though. I'm looking forward to spring break, even though I will be working most of it, It will be nice to not have to go to school. My goal is to get most of/if not all of my homework done this week, so I can just work and play over spring break. That's pretty much it for my life.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Well that dreadful day has come. I finally had to drive on wet, snowy/icy roads and I hated it!! Just driving down University Parkway was a nightmare. I couldn't see the lines on the road, I hydroplaned three times, and I thought I was going to die (not literally but I was scared.). Its freezing here, and this is when I really miss warm sunny St. George.
On the bright side its friday, even though I have lots of homework I should be doing, I'm going to take a time out tonight. I'm going to a dance concert (its required for one of my classes) then Nate and I may be going on a group date with some of his close friends, but because I have to go this concert we might not make it. If not we will figure something else out.
Work is finally calming down, I got my schedule for the month of March, and it made me sad. I work every Saturday and Sunday from 3pm-12am. Not the best month for me, but hopefully It will give me a little extra money! Thats pretty much it from Cold ol' Orem.