Work and school are going pretty well. I got a 98% on my first math test, and just took my second test and only missed one on the multiple choice. So hopefully I did swell on the short answers, and will have another high test score!
Work has been good, I've finally got the routine down, now if I can just get regular hours I will be set. I have been covering shift because the other girls I work with their background checks haven't been cleared yet. So last Sunday I worked my first grave from 12am to 9am it almost killed, and I think thats part of the reason I'm sick. Then Thursday I had to be to work by 4am and so I had to get up at 3. Waking up in wee hours of the morning is not my favorite thing! So hopefully by the end of this month all the other girls will be cleared, and I won't be working crazy hours!