Friday, February 24, 2012


Well its officially that time of cold and flu season. I hate it! This is my second cold in about three weeks. The first one wasn't so bad, but this time around is killing me! I feel like I've been hit by a ton of bricks. My head is swimming in mush, and everything is foggy, and stuff literally goes in one ear and out the other. I probably should have stayed home from school today, but I didn't want to miss my classes. I don't think I really learned anything today, but I was present! I just hope it goes away fast! Luckily I get to go home today! I've been really homesick this week, and had two little emotional break downs. So I'm ready to be home and see family! Hopefully that will be the cure my body needs!
Work and school are going pretty well. I got a 98% on my first math test, and just took my second test and only missed one on the multiple choice. So hopefully I did swell on the short answers, and will have another high test score!
Work has been good, I've finally got the routine down, now if I can just get regular hours I will be set. I have been covering shift because the other girls I work with their background checks haven't been cleared yet. So last Sunday I worked my first grave from 12am to 9am it almost killed, and I think thats part of the reason I'm sick. Then Thursday I had to be to work by 4am and so I had to get up at 3. Waking up in wee hours of the morning is not my favorite thing! So hopefully by the end of this month all the other girls will be cleared, and I won't be working crazy hours!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I had a pretty good Valentine's! I got to sleep in until 10 and then I went to the gym and ran my heart out for an hour, then I came home and got ready and met Grandma Becky at Macaroni Grill and had lunch with her, and Kacey. She got me a little gift, which was nice. It's a heart shaped necklace with my birth stone in it, and two sets of earrings. Nothing fancy, but its still pretty! Then I went to the store to get Nate a Valentines present. I went to the dollar store, and Kmart to find anything redneck (we have an inside joke.) Then I went home and got ready to go out with Nate. He came over and brought me a rose, and then we went out for some frozen yogurt, and then just talked the night away. It was really nice. Nate got a good laugh out of my gift too, which made me happy! My first Valentine's date wasn't so bad after all!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Working until Midnight

Well, I made it through my first official work week. I had to work Saturday, and Sunday from 3pm-12am. It went pretty well, but that last hour is a killer. For some reason when you know you have to stay awake it makes you really tired. I try to keep myself busy, so I'm not watching the time, but you can only watch so many movies, text, and play solitaire until that gets boring. They girls I watch go to bed at like 8. So I have lots of quite time, and I usually get my homework done then just hang out. I'm enjoying it so far, I'm waiting for when I get the routine down, so I don't have to ask so many questions, or having to look it up in the book.
School is going well! I'm liking my classes, but I'm not loving my online classes. They aren't that hard, but I like actually having a professor that I meet with. Its nice to know that I will be getting credit for those two classes though. I need to figure out my major so that I can buckle down and get serious about school, so that I'm not here forever. I should probably go meet with a counselor. Maybe tomorrow!
I've been trying really hard to go to the gym at least three times a week. So far so good! I love planet fitness! Its a simple, low key gym. I feel comfortable there! I feel so much better after I have been to the gym. I love being sore, and I'm starting to see some muscle in my speed bumps (my arms) which makes me super happy! Well that pretty much all the exciting news in my life.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Cleaning Fairy

Well I got home from school today and I was kind of in a cleaning mood. So I did the dishes, and made the kitchen look decent again. Then I tackled my room, and it looks pretty good if I do say so myself. I had to rearrange things on my night stand, dresser, and fridge so that I could put out my willow tree figurine that Brynn gave me. (p.s. I love it!) I think it looks cute, but the willow tree looks a little lonely. haha Then I changed my sheets on my bed, dusted, and vacuumed. I went to Walmart in the middle of cleaning to buy another trash can for recycle, and for a box filer. Its nice to get all of that organized! Now If I can get laundry done I'll be set! As for the rest of the night, I'm heading to the gym, and then I'll make dinner, and probably watch a movie!