Saturday, March 19, 2011


Well I'm all the way moved in. My mom and I have worked our little hearts out these past two days trying to get everything done and set up before she leaves on Sunday. I'm glad we are almost done because this whole unpacking thing is getting really old.
Well I saved this post and its now four days old, but anyways...
Life is going pretty well. I'm finally starting to adjust to being on my own. I caught a cold Sunday, and I'm feeling a lot better today. Luckily my grandma was stalked up on medicine so that I didn't have to go and buy any. I did a little grocery shopping... and I ran into a girl that I started hair school with (small world!) Its definitely weird going grocery shopping for just me. I have went to the store for my mom before, but its weird now to think that I'm on my own.
I have four roomates. Mica, Kylie, Kirsten, and Rachel. I know Mica and Kylie the best, they talk to me the most. I'm slowly adjusting to life on my own, and to sharing a house with 4 other girls. Its weird not having a mom here too, but all in all I'm enjoying it.
I went to the college ward on Sunday. I really think that I'm going to enjoy it. I turned in a paper so that they could get my records, and they took it and said we will try to get you a calling as soon as possible. (which makes me super nervous.... I've never had a calling other than nursery, and special needs mutual) but I guess I have to start somewhere!
I will try and post pictures soon, but right now I'm too lazy to down load them onto my computer. :/

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