Thursday, March 3, 2011

When it comes, it comes in threes.

Today has been a long day for me. I don't know why,but when it comes to bad things they usually come in threes for me. I've been getting sick, and when I woke up I felt like a train wreck. Then I got call saying there was a warrant for my arrest because I forgot to show up for court today. (it was for a ticket nothing big, and I forgot because I set the date 7 months ago!) Now I have to go to court next Thursday. It scared me a little and I started to cry because thats just what I do. Then I was carrying a box of stuff and fell and skinned my knee and elbow. I like to think that I'm a pretty strong person because when ever I'm tried it comes in threes. Thank goodness that it was a beautiful day today, and the sun was shinning, and my mom was there to comfort me and give me a hug! :)

1 comment:

crazyhorse said...

Hang in there, Rilee. At least you could see a sliver lining in the beautiful day. Gram