Tuesday, June 28, 2011

St. George Trip/ Haykuhi/ Job

I haven't blogged in a while! So I went to St. George a week ago. It was fun to get to see the family, and enjoy the warm sunshine. While I was there I had to say good bye to my foreign exchange friend Haykuhi (She is from Armenia). We had a dinner for her and it was really fun. We played Quelf! I've decided that I like watching that game more than playing. ha ha but it was still fun. Then I got to see my friend Devin. It was fun to get to see him and catch up on each others lives. He is such a busy guy your lucky to see him for 5 minutes, and he spent the whole night with us. Then Tuesday morning we got up early and went to the St. George airport to say our final goodbyes to Haykuhi. It was a very tearful morning. She is the nicest young lady ever. I hope she does come back to the United States one day! It was a lot of fun to get to know her, and learn about a different culture.... and even try to say a few things in a different language. (which didn't work out to well for me... its all about sounds, and they all sound the same to me.)
Now, I have been having issues at my job for about a week and half, and I have been starting to look for another one, but I won't quit until I have another job. So My coworker put his notice in and his last day was on saturday. I really liked him, so it made me want to leave even more. Then, yesterday when I got to work our district manager was there (which is always scary) She comes into the back room and says you know whats going on right? I said nope... she said Nicole (my manager) is quitting her last day is Thursday. I guess my face changed a lot because she said Nicole didn't tell you... I said no.. she was like oh, I'm so sorry... I thought she would have told you by now. So there was only three of us working there to start out, now its just me. I have to work with the district manager on friday which I'm super nervous about!!! and I work 36 hours a week now... (this was only suppose to be a part time job.) My job was fun, and it helped me a lot, but its definitely time to move on now.

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